Monday, January 11, 2016


  1. It looks like I have the honor of christening your comment wall. I just wanted to drop a comment to compliment you on the layout and theme of your blog. It is obvious that you have spent a lot of time on its appearance and functionality. I really like the neutral tones that you use. For someone that spends a lot of time staring at a computer screen, this makes looking at your blog easy on the eyes. Thanks! I also really like how each post is condensed into a little preview/blurb. This makes navigating your posts so much faster and easier. Great job!

  2. Hey Christina!

    I really like the layout of your blog! I like how the picture for the story is big next to the story. It makes it look really nice!

  3. Christina, I thought your blog design was really impressive. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Christina,
    Your blog page looks so crisp and clean. I like that you have added the popular posts on the side with the images showing. That is the bees knees lady!

  5. Hey Christina! I noticed this the first time I visited your blog, actually, but I really like the formatting. The space for the main text is wider than it is a lot of the time on Blogger, so things look cleaner and read more like a printed page. Also, having the "read more" links clean up the homepage, since people don't have to scroll through entire posts to find the next one. Now that I check your URL, I'm surprised that this is on looks different from the ones I usually see, much neater than the standard templates.

  6. Hi Christina! I just wanted to say I really love the simplicity of your blog. Its clean and neat. I often think I should have gone a less chaotic looking blog. My favorite parts about yours is how your posts are set up on your main page, the idea of having your pictures neatly show on the left side with a tiny bit of the post showing is really cool, its something I wish my own layout did. I also like the way the Popular Posts are, it really gives the person viewing your blog an idea of what to read. Instead of just boring links. Great job! :)

  7. Christina,

    I had never heard of this song or artist before I listened to it here. I really enjoyed the song though, it felt very catchy and lighthearted to my ears. The music video was also well done and fun to watch along with the song. Thanks so much for sharing, good luck with the rest of the semester.


  8. Just wanted to comment on your choice of song! I first started listening to Washed Out when I realized that the theme song to Portlandia was actually a super cool song on its own. I listened to Paracosm a bunch at work, because it's just such a chill album, it's impossible to not feel cheerful when it's on! I wasn't as familiar with this song, though, so now I know I need to get back into their older stuff!

  9. Hi again Christina! I swear by the end of this class we are going to be butt buddies. I have commented so much on your blog that I feel like I’m running out of stuff to comment! Which is a feat in itself! I noticed a few changes with your blog (new layout, playlist and etc.) and I have to say it looks better than ever! I haven’t really done much to my blog, but put a link to Pinterest. I just have a sneaking suspicion mine has wayyy to much going on. I also enjoyed the music video, I’m always really excited to find new music to listen to. So, thank you for that!
