Monday, January 11, 2016

Week 1: Growth Mindset

(This image came from the Growth Mindset Memes blog by Laura Gibbs)

In Mythology and Folklore last semester, we learned about Growth Mindset. I completed a few of the challenges and felt that they were a good way to refresh your perspective on how to handle your classes or workload. This semester, I want to challenge myself to do more of the challenges and see how I grow from challenge to challenge. 

I will be using this blog as a way to keep track of the challenges that I do and a way to gauge my growth as both a student and a person over the semester. 

I think the Growth Mindset movement is a positive, powerful movement that more people should know about. Hopefully in the future it will be used more and people will reap the benefits that come from attempting these challenges that change your perspective on things like education.


  1. I am so glad you want to explore this some more! I keep learning new things about it, and the more I read about the work being done by Carol Dweck and other educators, psychologists, etc., the more impressed I am with this. It is such a simple idea, but at the same time it can go in so many different directions because learning takes so many forms. I'm excited to see what people will do with it this semester; I got some really good ideas from blog posts people wrote about growth mindset last Fall!

  2. I think that you have a unique perspective on this at least within our class. Most students will say that they plan to use the strategies related to the growth mindset in their everyday lives. But you have actually had a significant head start with your previous class in order to really apply the lessons and observe how they may benefit you long term. I hope that you can continue to develop in the mindset.
