While I did not technically "read" this week, I did watch some youtube videos about the Seven Secrets from Hindu Calendar Art. I will include the videos below because they are super fun and interesting. I was drawn to them last semester while in Myth and Folklore. One was posted in the announcements and I watched quite a few then.
I love how in the narrator explains why the gods and goddesses in Hindu are widely accepted amongst believers. As a westerner, it is hard for me to get past the decorative images that depict multi-headed creatures or gods with many arms. I do think that if I were raised to believe in these gods and goddesses that I would not second guess the imagery or stories behind them.
Another thing I really enjoyed was how they explained the cycles of Hinduism. The videos go into detail how things that die are always reborn. I like the idea that there isn't a sense of urgency to master all of these things within a religion in Hinduism. You have cycles and its always in phases.
As promised, here are the videos:
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